
Tuesday, 9 February 2021

LeetCode 1003. Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions


Given a string s, determine if it is valid.

A string s is valid if, starting with an empty string t = "", you can transform t into s after performing the following operation any number of times:

Insert string "abc" into any position in t. More formally, t becomes tleft + "abc" + tright, where t == tleft + tright. Note that tleft and tright may be empty.
Return true if s is a valid string, otherwise, return false. 

For Example:
s = "aabcbc"


This can be solved with the stack. Traverse string and if s[i]!= 'c' then insert into stack.
Else, check if stack element at the top and next to the top is 'b' and 'a' respectively or not.
if no: return false, else remove the top two elements of the stack.
Repeat the above steps.

At last, check if the stack is empty or not.

Time Complexity:

To view my solution:

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