
Wednesday 5 August 2020

LeetCode 1140. Stone Game II


Alex and Lee continue their games with piles of stones.  There are a number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stones piles[i].  The objective of the game is to end with the most stones. 

Alex and Lee take turns, with Alex starting first.  Initially, M = 1.

On each player's turn, that player can take all the stones in the first X remaining piles, where 1 <= X <= 2M.  Then, we set M = max(M, X).

The game continues until all the stones have been taken.

Assuming Alex and Lee play optimally, return the maximum number of stones Alex can get.

For Example:




You can easily solve this question recursion.

So Alex will try to get the maximum point as he is playing optimally

if player == 1 (or Alex)

 alexPoint = max(alexPoint, sum[s to s+x-1]  stoneGameIIUtil(piles, s+x, max(x,m), n ,1-p));

also, Lee is playing optimally and try to reduce Alex points

if player == 0 (or Lee)

 alexPoint = min(alexPoint, stoneGameIIUtil(piles, s+x, max(x,m), n ,1-p));


Will this solution gives TLE?


as 1<=N<=100 (total number of piles)

We can't use recursion here.

How can we optimize it?

One solution that I think of is using memorization. We can create a matrix say dp

and store current state dp[s][m][p]

s -> starting index

m -> for picking stones from piles i.e (1<=x<=2*m)

p -> 0/1 (Lee/Alex)

Now if we reach this state again we don't need to compute again and return dp[s][m][p]

(Yahi battein to bad me yaad  ayengi 😛)

Can we further optimize it?


For calulationg sum[s to s+x-1]

we can use prefixSum array 

so sum[s to s+x-1] will be prefixSum[s+x-1] - prefixSum[s-1]

To View My Solution:

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